Check VCE's blog for the latest news (front page, right column). This website currently uses old software and is a challenge to update
February 2, 2016
Support Annette Smith and VCE with your donation via gofundme https://www.gofundme.com/74kx663w
WDEV Radio Open Mike
Topic: Wind Power issues. Annette Small’s legal troubles connected to such projects.
Starts at 51 52 minutes into the podcast.
GMP: Activist did not 'cross any line'
Public Records from AG including Complaint
In Vermont, thorn in side of powerful faces criminal probe
Law firm for green-energy CEO investigated anti-Big Renewables activist
January 23, 2016
Support Annette Smith and VCE with your donation via gofundme https://www.gofundme.com/74kx663w
VCE's Executive Director is under Criminal Investigation by the Vermont AG
Read the related documents and news stories below
Target letter from Vermont AG http://vce.org/VCE_AG_011916.pdf
Corespondence related to Complaint http://vce.org/DB_VCE_AS_CorrespondenceRequests.pdf
David Blittersdorf testimony http://vce.org/DavidBlittersdorf_HNRE_041615.mp3
May 2, 2014
Updated About VCE page.
Check VCE's blog for the latest news
January 24, 2014
Updated Smart Meter page and About VCE page and Omya page and Utility Scale Wind page
June 21, 2013
VCE Seeks Hearing for Therrien Family Before Public Service Board - The Caledonian-Record - St. Johnsbury, VT
Public Service Department's Cover Letter to PSB on Sound Monitoring Report
Memorandum from KM Chng to PSD on Sheffield Wind Supplemental Noise Monitoring
VCE's Public Comment to the PSB on the PSD"s Sound Monitoring Report and Cover Letter
June 14, 2013 VCE's Comments on the Deerfield Wind SIR
June 10, 2013, F-35 debate highlights Vermont’s activist nature : Rutland Herald Online
May 24, 2013, Smith: Pleased with progress on wind discussions | Burlington Free Press
April 30, 2013, Siting commission recommends more transparent, inclusive permitting process for energy projects, vtdigger.org
April 24, 2013, No freeze on wind projects, but greater voice for towns, Rutland Herald
April 11, 2013, Community Forum: How not to build a natural gas pipeline by Annette Smith | Addison County Independent
March 25, 2013, Smith: Respecting our communities and environment, vtdigger.org
March 24, 2013, Slow it down on energy by Annette Smith, Rutland Herald
March 18, 2013, Vermont City Voters Reject Chloramine Use | Clean and Safe Water, Water & Waste Digest
February 27, 2013, No chloramine yet: City water subject of forum
Video: Rutland Water, Future Options
February 27, 2013, Burlington Free Press: No wind moratorium, but bill seeks change
February 16, 2013, Grafton Wind Panel Meeting: Video
February 14, 2013, Winds of Change by Lesley Becker Kickstarter
February 11, 2013, Power in the Wind - Matt Levin - YouTube
January 31, 2013, Testimony to Senate Natural Resources and Energy Committee
January 24, 2013, Vermont report finds no smart meter danger - Brattleboro Reformer
January 23, 2013, Wind-Power Opponents Question Favorable Poll Numbers | Seven Days
January 11, 2013, Vermont Energy Generation Policy Siting Commission
Information Session #6 and Deliberative Session #1 Materials (1/11/13):
Vermonters for a Clean Environment presentation (PDF or PPT)
Video of VCE's Presentation to Siting Commission
Transcript of Information Session #6/Deliberative Session #1
January 11, 2013, The Traction Round Table: A discussion of environmental priorities and dilemmas | Burlington Free Press
January 8, 2013, Roundtable Discussion about Energy and Environment, Video
December 13, 2012, Wind debate moves to a new chapter: Noise | Burlington Free Press
December 11, 2012, Rutland Citizens For Clean and Safe Water Forum: Video
November 26, 2012, How The Public Service Board Works | Vermont Public Radio
November 18, 2012
--30 Minute Video: Nuclear Free Future: Can Wind Energy Replace the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant?
Host Margaret Harrington speaks with Annette Smith, Executive Director, Vermonters for a Clean Environment.
--Rutland Citizens for Clean and Safe Water Website
--VCE's Comments and Observations on Section 248, ANR and Act 250 Permitting Processes
--VCE & USFS stipulate to stay of Deerfield Wind proceedings
Iberdrola is seeking to use longer turbine blades on the western ridgeline. The USFS, through their attorneys at the DOJ, contacted VCE’s attorneys seeking a stay of the proceedings. We agreed, and the Motion for Stay is here: 2012-11-02 Govt Stipulated Motion for Stay
Iberdrola's updated reports are here.
Sept. 27, 2012
VCE Files for Summary Judgment in Deerfield Wind Case
June 6, 2012
Burlington Free Press article: Wind Farm Proposed for Lake Champlain?
Burlington Free Press editorial: Think About Where Power Comes From
The top story in the Lake Champlain Islander is about what happened with the vote about adding chloramine to the water.
City meeting on water chemical
May 22,2012
May 12, 2012
Add information to VCE's Chloramine page about a meeting coming up at the Grand Isle United Methodist Church, 12 Hyde Road, Grand Isle on May 23 at 7 p.m. for Grand Isle residents to learn about the plan by the Grand Isle Consolidated Water District to switch from chlorine to chloramine. Hear from citizens living in the Champlain Water District about what chloramine has done to public health. Don't miss this opportunity.
April 1, 2012
Public Records about Chloramine from Vermont State Government, February and March, 2012
1. Dept. of Environmental Conservation, Feb. 2012
2. Department of Health, March 2012
Feb. 24, 2012
VCE's Appeal of US Forest Service approval of Deerfield Wind
Feb. 4, 2012
Energize Vermont's new video, which includes VCE's director
Jan. 17, 2012
Added information about the use of formaldehyde on Vermont dairy farms and public health impacts
Jan. 3, 2011
Added information about upcoming forums in Bennington and Brattleboro about wireless Smart Meters
October 22, 2011
New page about smart meters with video of VCE's public forum on smart meters held in Manchester, Vermont on October 19, 2011
July 17, 2011
Vermont ANR 1st Public Hearing on GMP Lowell Wind Project Wetlands CUD and 401 Water Quality Certification, 6/20/11
Presentation by GMP's experts, Adam Crary and Jeff Nelson of VHB and Public Comment (1 hour, 48 minutes)
Vermont ANR 2nd Public Hearing on GMP Lowell Wind Project 401 Water Quality Certification, 7/13/11
Part 1: Presentation by Energize Vermont experts, Geoffrey Goll and Mark Gallagher of Princeton Hydro (1 hour, 11 minutes)
Part 2: Public Comment (52 minutes)
Complete Audio of Presentation and Public Comment (2 hours, 4 minutes)
Power Point Presentation by Princeton Hydro (note that several of the slides at the end were skipped over, so there is more material in the presentation than were covered at the hearing)
July 4, 2011
Follow VCE's research on Utility Scale Wind by checking our blog regularly
Updated Utility Scale Wind Page and Drinking Water and Chloramine Pages
Fixed broken links on Climate Change and Energy Page
Updated Omya page with news stories from the last year:
A precedent for the public trust?, The Commons, March 9, 2011
Could Omya court decision force Yankee shutdown?, Brattleboro Reformer, March 5, 2011
Judge in Yankee suit: Water belongs to Vermonters, VERMONT PRESS BUREAU, March 4, 2011
Effect of Omya ruling debated, Burlington Free Press, March 4, 2011
Environmentalists Say Groundwater Ruling Will Impact Vermont Yankee, Vermont Public Radio, 03/04/11
Vermont Environmental Court judge rejects Omya permit, Burlington Free Press, March 3, 2011
Settlement Reached on CVPS Purchase of Vermont Marble Power Division of Omya, Market Wire, March 2, 2011
Global Calcium Carbonate Market to Reach 108.5 Million Tons by 2015, Global Industry Analysts, January 14, 2011
Shumlin’s picks have potential conflicts, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, December 20, 2010
State issues notice to Omya over calicum carbonate release, Rutland Herald, October 21, 2010
Omya: 500 pounds of spilled powder not harmful to humans, Rutland Herald, October 11, 2010
May 24, 2011
Updated chloramine page with recent news articles and commentary by Erin Brockovich
February 15, 2011
VCE has begun blogging regularly, shining Sunshine on Wind in Vermont. Check back regularly for all the latest news.
November 3, 2010
Beaver Wood Biomass Plant, Pownal, Vermont, Application for Large Groundwater Withdrawal
October 22, 2010
Read VCE's Press Release, Utility-Scale Wind Update Projects Burden Communities and Damage Environment, October 21, 2010
September 2, 2010
Updated VCE's chloramine page to delete the nationwide website because the ning network now requires payment. Added recent and new information:
Our Water Disinfectant: a Civil Rights Violation, San Mateo Daily Journal, May 31, 2010
Added public documents received from EPA in response to VCE's appeal of FOIA materials that were withheld:
1. Emails from 2004 and 2007
2. Emails from 2007 and 2008
3. Emails from 2008 and 2009
4. Chloramine use by Region and multi-year emails
5. Correspondence about chloramine use in CA
6. Chloramine in VT and CA
7. EPA Message Maps 1
8. EPA Message Maps 2
9. EPA Message Maps 3
10. Chloramine EPA website info
11. EPA Message Maps and website info
12. EPA Chloramine Criteria Document and PA
13. EPA Message Maps 4
14. EPA Message Maps 5
15. EPA Message Maps 6
16. EPA Message Maps 7
July 7, 2010
Added Vermont Dental Amalgam Fact Sheet to Mercury page
July 3, 2010
Updated VCE's blog and switched to a site that makes it easier to intersperse photos with text. The old blog will not be updated but can be accessed via this note.
April 22, 2010
Join this new interactive nationwide website for people with chloramine in their water, http://chloramine.ning.com/
Chloramine Issues Leave Water Safety Less Than Crystal Clear, Patriot News Op-Ed, April 23, 2010
Safe Municipal Water In Vermont?, Vermont Woman Commentary, April 2010
Chloramine is Toxic to the Environment, The Other Paper Letter to the Editor, April 2010
Be careful with chloramine, Williston Observer Guest Column, 4.8.10
Spur unneeded, destructive, Rutland Herald Letter to the Editor, March 3, 2010
Rail spur plan crosses hurdle; on to final design, Addison Independent, February 15, 2010
Rail Progress, Rutland Herald. Editorial, February 16, 2010
Agency Approves Omya Rail Spur, Rutland Herald, February 15, 2010
January 12, 2010
Sign this petition about chloramine
January 4, 2010
Changed front page link to VCE's environmental news service's new website
Water Wars Brewing In The Northeast, Vermont Public Radio/NPR, 12/30/09
Be careful with chloramine, Williston Observer Letter, 12.17.09
State certifies Omya tailings plan, Rutland Herald, December 23, 2009
Antelope Valley water users leery of chloramines, Los Angeles Times, December 10, 2009
S. Woodstock group to buy buffalo farm, Residents say no to lamb slaughterhouse, Valley News/Rutland Herald, Nov. 18, 2009
November 7, 2009
Posted Video of VCE's Wind & Energy Forum
October 27, 2009
Wind towers discussed at West Rutland meeting, Rutland Herald, October 23, 2009
October 10, 2009
Announcement of VCE's upcoming Wind & Energy Forum on Oct. 22: VCE's Blog and Wind Energy page
Omya unveils new tailing facility, Rutland Herald, October 9, 2009
Middlebury group ready to fight gravel pit, Rutland Herald, October 3, 2009
Judge rejects Omya lawsuit, Rutland Herald, October 1, 2009
Slaughterhouse plan on track, Rutland Herald, September 25, 2009
Town vs. tower, Rutland Herald, September 24, 2009
J.P. Carrara alters gravel pit plan with neighbors' aid, Addison Independent, August 28, 2009
Outdoor Wood Boilers: Appropriate Technology or Deadly Device, Seven Days, 07.22.09
A farm, a school, a chemical, Hill Country Observer, July 2009
New addition to water supply concerns residents, Houston Community Newspaper, 10.07.09
Making a switch, The Sun/Houston, 10.01.09
Hope springs for chloramine study, Los AltosTown Crier, 16 SEPTEMBER 2009
June 19, 2009
Pros, cons of water additive debated, Patriot News, June 19, 2009
California Clean Water, Clean Water Important Videos about Chloramine
Omya Inc. cutting 10 jobs in Florence, Rutland Herald, May 15, 2009
Vt. legislature approves water treatment bill, Williston Observer, May 14, 2009
Omya announces more area layoffs, Rutland Herald, May 14, 2009
Omya eyes new location for tailings facility, Rutland Herald, May 9, 2009
May 3, 2009
Senate mulls water treatment legislation, Bill could put moratorium on chloramine use, Williston Observer, April 30, 2009
April 9, 2009
Updated Energy website to include links to information about industrial wind energy
March 29, 2009
Judge hears testimony on Omya, Magistrate to rule on water remedies, Rutland Herald, March 28, 2009
Omya case goes to court, Company admits chemical use, Burlington Free Press, March 25, 2009
Water Companies Switch Chemicals, But Is It Safe?, WTAE-TV-Pittsburgh, March 20, 2009
West Shore Group Against Adding Chemicals To Drinking Water, WGAL-TV-Cumberland Co., PA, March 20, 2009
Chloramine fight goes to the state Supreme Court, The Sentinel, PA, March 19, 2009
Omya, Inc. cuts 12 positions, Rutland Herald, March 7, 2009
February 18, 2009
Clean Water Conundrum, Listen: WDUQ Pittsburgh Public Radio, Text Version, February 17, 2009
February 15, 2009
Updated VCE's blog with information about our upcoming forums on water, and recent testimony about chloramine to the House Fish, Wildlife and Water Resources committee
Local residents concerned about chemicals in water supply, Miscellany News, February 11, 2009
January 25, 2009
Chloramines clamor brings out cross crowd, Antelope Valley Press, January 23, 2009
January 7, 2009
VT Edition Interview: VCE's Matt Levin & Sen. Dick McCormack on citizen involvement at the Legislature, Vermont Public Radio, January 6, 2009
Douglas likely to propose permit reform, Vermont Press Bureau, January 3, 2009
Cassa integrazione all'Omya per 28 operai su 69, La Nazione/Italy, 30 dicembre 2008
Omya's interim waste certification appealed, RutlandHerald, December 29, 2008
Deadline extended for rail spur comments, Associated Press - December 19, 2008
Updated Letters to the Editor about Omya and VCE
The backlash over bottled water, States weigh tougher controls as a booming business slows, Hill Country Observer, December 2008-January 2009
December 6, 2008
VCE's new book about water. Order it in black and white or preview and order it in color:
Facts, Prayers, Ac...
By Rosemary Partridge...
Annette Smith not a lone voice, Rutland Herald, December 6, 2008
Environmental work does not merit criticism, Rutland Herald Commentary, December 4, 2008
VCE's important role in Florence, Rutland Herald, December 4, 2008
Douglas wants to streamline Act 250, Vermont Public Radio, December 2, 2008
Omya has poor track record, Rutland Herald, November 28, 2008
VCE doing good work in state, Rutland Herald, November 28, 2008
Life is all about perspective, Rutland Herald, November 26, 2008
Omya only winner in rail spur, Rutland Herald, November 26, 2008
Spur deserves support, Rutland Herald editorial, November 21, 2008
Environmental impact statement prefers rail spur for Omya, Rutland Herald, November 20, 2008
Omya to move 40 jobs, Rutland Herald, November 14, 2008
October 30, 2008
ANR gives Omya contentious interim waste permit, Rutland Herald, October 22, 2008
ANR warns worker about activism, Rutland Herald, October 22, 2008
September 9, 2008
Bottling Plan Pushes Groundwater to Center Stage in Vermont, The New York Times, August 20, 2008
What's Coming From Your Tap? Wall Street Journal, August 19, 2008
August 13, 2008
"DEC resents VCE's suggestions that the state dropped the ball," Junkyard Dog, Seven Days, August 13, 2008
July 22, 2008
Link to audio of VCE's July 15, 2008 Press Conference in the Statehouse in Montpelier
July 21, 2008
Call for change: Group criticizes state's natural resources agency, Rutland Herald, July 21, 2008
July 16, 2008
"Douglas administration takes more criticism for its environmental performance", Burlington Free Press, July 16, 2008
"There’s Something Rotten... in Vermont", Seven Days Column, July 16, 2008
State cracks down on compost operations, Vermont Public Radio, July 16, 2008
July 15, 2008
Vermonters for a Clean Environment's Report on the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation, released at press conference today.
"Report Critical of Natural Resources Agency," WCAX news coverage of VCE's Report on ANR, July 15, 200.
July 2, 2008
Omya waste poses threat, Rutland Herald, July 2, 2008
June 27, 2008
The Work Behind Clean Water, The Other Paper, June 26, 2008
Chloramine Group Achieves New Legislation, The Other Paper, June 19, 2008
Keeping Watch, Rutland Herald, June 17, 2008
June 15, 2008
Whistleblower: State bent rules for Omya, Rutland Herald, June 15, 2008
May 29, 2008
Officials, public weigh in on Omya waste permit, Brandon Pittsford Reporter, May 21, 2008
We must act to protect our water resources, Herald Sun, May 11, 2008
Water spill kills McLean fish, Fairfax County Times, April 2, 2008
April 29, 2008
Hopes that the wells won't run dry in Vermont, The legislature has passed a bill that limits how much groundwater bottlers and other companies can draw. The Christian Science Monitor, April 29, 2008
April 18, 2008
ANR extends time Omya can handle its marble waste, Rutland Herald, April 18, 2008
Vermont ponders tax break for a polluter, Rutland Herald Commentary, April 3, 2008
March 27, 2008
$1 Million To Fix Orange Water, Randolph Herald, March 27, 2008
March 26, 2008
Updated Understanding Omya in Vermont page and About Max Schachenmann page and About VCE page
March 15, 2008
Added a video of the Omya waste site
March 8, 2008
Watch Videos of Vermont Citizens Telling CDC and EPA staff about health effects since the switch to chloramine
March 6, 2008
Added a page of abstracts of chloramine studies
March 5, 2008
Water the big issue in East Montpelier, Times Argus, March 5, 2008
March 3, 2008
Google aided consultants with Omya study, Rutland Herald, March 3, 2008
Added articles about chloramine
February 28, 2008
Has a new Omya replaced the old? Rutland Herald Commentary February 28, 2008
February 27, 2008
Experts suggest vigilance for Omya site, Rutland Herald, February 27, 2008
Public Records from Vermont's Agency of Natural Resources about the regulation of Omya's waste in 2007
Vermont group charges chloramine hazards dismissed, WaterTechOnLine, February 26, 2008
Who’s bottling Vermont’s H2O and at what price?, Seven Days, Feb. 27, 2008
The Journalist and the “Mouthpiece”, Why is Vermont’s Agency of Natural Resources stonewalling Seven Days?, Seven Days, Feb. 27, 2008
Groundwater at center of Senate bill, East Montpelier controversy, Vermont Public Radio, February 26, 2008
Lack of Evidence From ClearSource, Randolph Herald, February 21, 2007
Town weighs water future, Burlington Free Press, February 26, 2008
Water: Public resource or private cache? Bill would make state's aquifers a public trust, Rutland Herald/Times Argus, February 24, 2008
Protecting Groundwater, Manchester Journal, February 15, 2008
Act 250 Drops Bombshell On ClearSource, Inc., Randolph Herald, February 12, 2008
February 22, 2008
Added Public Records from Vermont's Department of Environmental Conservation about Chloramine
Updated page of Photos of people suffering skin problems from chloraminated water
Updated Omya page with recent news stories, and added links to web sites of interest
Added materials to the J.P. Carrara & Sons Quarry and Whispering Pines Mobile Home Park page, especially news stories that bring the news story site up to date
February 13, 2008
Added materials to the Chloramine page, including Scientific Studies and a Library
January 27, 2008
Fixed lots of broken links, still more to go. VPR is the most recent news source to change its links. Rutland Herald has changed theirs twice. Burlington Free Press had static links for a while but now they are gone.
January 15, 2008
Motion filed in Omya lawsuit, Rutland Herald, January 15, 2008
Archives of "new" postings to www.vce.org